From pad eye design to feasibility studies

As projects become larger and more complex, also loads to be transported are getting larger and heavier. Complicated and ultra-heavy loads and modules require equipment that is designed for alternative lifting, hoisting, rigging and transport methods that push the boundaries of today’s world. The safety considerations and effective management of these complex transport operations are of the highest priority and become proportionally more significant. When an incident occurs the consequences can be far reaching. Not only serious injury or death can occur, you will also experience disrupted operations, material damages and project delays involving costs that might be extremely considerable. For this reason the project management teams are placing an increasing emphasis on heavy lift and specialized transport engineering and consultancy. As lifting operations for major projects are Critical Path Activities we will aid your design teams by modelling with them the various construction phases from start to finish thereby identifying and helping resolve any lifting operations issues before the projects go to build. Conceptual studies usually take the form of data collection and brainstorming exercises, designed to generate as many options as possible. This is the perfect timing to consider the impact of heavy lift and transport activities. Feasibility studies follow on from the conceptual study to develop the selected options.

Solving problems and minimizing risks

Transportation of heavy- and over dimensional components may have a number of unpredictable impacts on your budget and schedule if not meticulously planned from the very beginning. Depending on local regulations and condition extensive adjustments on existing infrastructure may be necessary and imposed. This, as a “last minute pop up”, may expose your spends in fulfilling your contractual obligations. Cranesforyou assists you to minimize these risks. Cranesforyou engineers offers several decades of experience on projects ranging in scope from simple pad eyes design to innovative bridge-erection schemes. Cranesforyou is widely sought by clients because of its contractor-friendly service. Expertise alone is not enough. Engineering firms and contractors want to work with subcontractors that are responsive, motivated, and team-oriented. Cranesforyou prides itself on meeting challenges and solving problems collaboratively with its clients. That is why we are known for being contractor friendly. Cranesforyou will handle jobs large and small, and excels at working with contractors and sub-contractors alike.

Engineering options you can count on

Safe and seamless project execution requires detailed planning and engineering, which is at the heart of every successful lifting and transportation project. Producing innovative solutions requires unique talents which are not always available from many companies and covers:

  • Construction methodology
  • Modularisation decisions and module design
  • Construction site and route investigation
  • Route selection and road design
  • Setting up estimates
  • Preparing tender documentation and requests for quotations
  • Evaluation of tenders and proposed lifting and transport methods
  • Risk analysis and mitigation
  • Project specific Method Statements
  • Technical drawings in 2D/3D CAD and 3D animated lifting and transport studies and plans
  • Rigging and stability calculations
  • Structural analysis and lashing calculation
  • Design of special lifting devices, lifting beams, spreaders, triangles etc.
  • Rigging selection and inspection
  • Barge stability calculations, design of sea fastening
  • Load-out and Ro-Ro procedures and handbook
  • Load spreading calculation and design
  • Finite element and structural analysis
  • Lifting


    Lifting is an activity during which the load is lifted in a controlled and guided manner, normally spoken from the bottom of the load, e.g. by means of a Fork Lift Truck, screw jack, rack jack, hydraulic jack, toe jack, lifting bag, etc.

  • Rigging


    Rigging is the act of moving a load horizontally, vertically or at other angles and possibly through different floor levels, while using the appropriate lifting and hoisting equipment. It also involves erecting and dismantling cranes and hoists.

  • Hoisting


    Hoisting is an activity during which the load is suspended and hangs freely, e.g. by means of one or more crane, chain hoist, lever hoist, hoisting portal, beam clamp, winch, floating sheer leg, strand jack hoisting system, etc.

  • Specialized transport

    Specialized transport

    Transport of heavy and oversized objects by means of specialised transport equipment such as Self Propelled Modular Transporters (so-called SPMT), conventional modular and multi axle transporters, skidding techniques, heavy industrial roller sets and roller skates based on endless chain techniques.