Heavy Lift Specialist

According to Wikipedia the definition of Heavy Lift is:
The transportation, handling and installation of heavy items which are indivisible, and of weights generally accepted to be over 100 tons and of widths/heights of more than 100 meters. These oversized items are transported from one place to another (sometimes across country borders) then lifted or installed into place. Characteristic for heavy lift goods is the absence of standardization which requires an individual transport planning.

According to Wikipedia the definition of Specialist is:
A person with great knowledge or skill in a particular field.

Based on the above, the job profile of a Heavy Lift Specialist is not clearly defined. Specialist is the broad term for people who are an expert on a specific aspect of a job. Some would say: Heavy Lift Specialist is an expert in transport and installation engineering, however does that cover all your requirements? All requirements and aspects need to be taken into account when looking for a Heavy Lift Specialist. You need to ask yourself what exact specialism you are looking for:

  • Heavy Lift Engineering
  • Heavy Lift Management
  • Heavy Lift Transport
  • Heavy Lift rules and regulations
  • Heavy Lift best practices
  • Heavy Lift Rigging
  • Heavy Lift Safety
  • and so on......

  • Lifting


    Lifting is an activity during which the load is lifted in a controlled and guided manner, normally spoken from the bottom of the load, e.g. by means of a Fork Lift Truck, screw jack, rack jack, hydraulic jack, toe jack, lifting bag, etc.

  • Rigging


    Rigging is the act of moving a load horizontally, vertically or at other angles and possibly through different floor levels, while using the appropriate lifting and hoisting equipment. It also involves erecting and dismantling cranes and hoists.

  • Hoisting


    Hoisting is an activity during which the load is suspended and hangs freely, e.g. by means of one or more crane, chain hoist, lever hoist, hoisting portal, beam clamp, winch, floating sheer leg, strand jack hoisting system, etc.

  • Specialized transport

    Specialized transport

    Transport of heavy and oversized objects by means of specialised transport equipment such as Self Propelled Modular Transporters (so-called SPMT), conventional modular and multi axle transporters, skidding techniques, heavy industrial roller sets and roller skates based on endless chain techniques.